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  • Fatima Eshun
  • Louis Kusi FRIMPONG
  • Shine Francis GBEDEMAH
  • Araba Mbrowa KORSAH


Domestic water, climate change, water scarcity, fresh water, water storage


Purpose –– The study aimed at investigating residents' concerns about rainwater harvesting and its use among households in the
Yilo Krobo Municipality.
Methods –– The study used questionnaires to solicit the views of residents in the Yilo Krobo Municipality and the results were
analyzed using descriptive and nominal logistics regression approaches
Findings –– The study found that residents have concerns about the quality of rainwater which had implications for their
harvesting and usage. They were also concerned about the mode of collecting as well as storage facilities used in storing
rainwater. Variables such as age, occupation, and education were factors contributing to residents’ desire to harvest rainwater.
Conclusion & Recommendation –– The study concluded that people’s concerns about the quality of rainwater influence their
desire to harvest it. Respondents with low education and farmers tend to harvest rainwater. The study recommends education on
how to harvest and store rainwater to reduce contamination in the water.
Keywords: Domestic water, climate change, water scarcity,
fresh water, water storage


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How to Cite

Eshun, F. ., FRIMPONG, L. K. ., GBEDEMAH, S. F. ., & Mbrowa KORSAH, A. . (2023). TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE RAINWATER HARVESTING: UNVEILING THE CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS IN YILO KROBO MUNICIPALITY. Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development (JESD), 1(2). Retrieved from